
Information can always be abbreviated, but there is no shortcut to Knowledge.

Welcome to my blog! Here you will find:

Book reviews in 140 words or less!

I do not intend to write chapter by chapter summaries, nor do I intend for my reviews to be novels in and of themselves. Just like a 140 character tweet forces a succinct sentence, a 140 word review forces a succinct thought.

I love to read, and I think that we would be better off as a society if we did more reading and less tv watching. Here I plan to feature books that have inspired me to broaden my mental horizons and, in turn, I hope to inspire you to broaden yours.

The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read.

- Mark Twain

Have you read any of these books? Did they impact you differently? Do you plan to read them now?(btw, that would be Awesome!)
I look forward to any and all comments! Bonus points if you can make your responses exactly 140 words (It's fun, kind of like writing a Haiku) :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nudge - Richard Thaler

“Libertarian Paternalism”

The libertarian part embraces the idea that each person should be free to make their own choices, regardless of how harmful they may be. The paternalism part advocates the idea of making it easier for people to choose the options that are generally regarded as in their own best interests.

The classic example would be a school cafeteria.  Kids may love to eat cake.  But studies have shown that, regardless of taste, we are actually more likely to select whatever is at eye level.  Therefore, if it’s (generally) regarded that kids eating more carrot sticks and less cake would be in their best interest, one could arrange the carrot sticks at eye level, while placing the cake below.

A mind-opening, thought inspiring, and encouraging look at simple, achievable, ideas that could change our country for the better.

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